Below given is the list of Modules. Each Module has potential to get you a well paid Job and Freelancing opportunities or to grow Business. Please go through below list to understand more about the Digital Marketing Modules.
At Dforce Academy we teach with the Live Practical approach, Where we give you chance to Work on Live Campaigns to understand the real market respond,

List of Modules
Introduction to Funnels & Digital Marketing

A detailed understanding of Digital Marketing & its benefits. Market Funnel strategies to Target the Audience to sell particular products & Services.
There are many types of marketing that need to to be differentiate because it can cause confusion in the learning process.
We will understand the different ways of marketing and choosing the right platform as per particular product or services.
Now it time for you to choose the Niche you are interested in. then we will create websites, blogs on everything in this course as per your chosen Niche.

Web designing without coding
- You learn about Domain names & how to buy it?
- How to choose a better domain name & Hosting?
- What is hosting & How to buy it?
- Then Buy a Domain and practically connect with Hosting
- How to install CMS etc.
- Anyone can learn it without having any knowledge of coding or Computers.
- In this part of the web designing You will learn about various software and platforms to design your websites.
- What is a CMS?
- Installing a CMS
- Using a CMS?
- Essential and most ADVANCE things in website designing.
You learn to add the Live Automatic ChatBot in the Website.
You Learn to add Lead Forms to collect contact information from website visitors.
You learn to make Landing Pages as well.
Demand of Landing pages is increasing because Landing pages have proved to generate more leads & Conversions than a Website.
We teach you the strategies to make the most result producing landing Pages.
We start with buying you a Domain Name of your Choice for Free & providing you a Free Hosting as well. So you can work practically and live from Scratch to make a website of your Choice which will be visible on the Internet.
User Experience matters the most doesn’t matter which device they are using.
A website must look good on Mobile, Desktop or Tablet, So we teach you to make responsive websites to engage your customers with better UI.
Web Designer, Web Developer or Freelancer.
There are many Jobs available in this. because All Business going Online these days, So the Demand of websites and landing pages is increasing.

Advance Social Media Marketing

First you learn and understand the right use of different Social Media Platforms. You understand which platform is suitable for what kind of marketing.
You Learn About All the Benefits of SMM.
Targeting is the main power of Social Media Marketing.
In this first you learn to understand and Frame your right customer.
Then you Learn to Target Peoples based on their Age, Gender, Location, Interest, Work & their other Internet Habits.
In this you learn How to achieve your social media goals with proper disciplined Content strategy.
You learn how to drive more traffic through Social Media Pages & How to grow a new Page on Social Media.
n this you understand about different campaigns to get More Page Likes or to get more web visitors etc.
You learn the tips and techniques to get better results by spending less money on social media with the use of right campaign for right Product or Service.
You learn one of the most important thing to generate more leads with social media ads.
You learn to make Privacy Policy to run Lead generation campaigns.
You learn to make attractive and convincing content to generate more number of leads.
In this you learn to Target same peoples again who interacted with your Social Media Activities recently.
You also learn to target same peoples on social media who visited your website by adding a pixel on the websites.
Its to real Action now after learning all Above.
Now we will add Money to your social media account and then you will run a Live Campaign to see the Live results.
Job Titles:
Social Media Marketer, Social Media Optimiser and Social Media Manager.
Many Freelancing opportunities.

Search Engine marketing or Google ads
Everyone uses Google and its services nowadays Like Google search, YouTube search, Google Play store and many more.
Any business can run ads on all these platform by using Google Ad words.
You will get Practical SEM training in this module.
Google has 100 billion searches every month. You will how to advertise any business through Google ads in proper ways
You will learn Learn how to use it properly with less money and Good ROI (Return on investment)
You will learn how to setup a google ads account properly.
You will learn how to use google keyword planner tool to save a lot of ad spend on google ads platform to promote your business in less money possible.
You will understand the complicated structure of the google ads campaign in a simple way.
In this part of the Google ads you will learn:
- What is Google Ads
- Understanding Ad Campaign?
- All about Ad groups?
- How many types of ads are there on the internet?
- Keyword Match Types
- Broad Match Types
- Phrase Match Types
- Exact Match Types
- Broad Modified Match Types
- Ad Extension
- Bid Adjustment
- Steps to overcome Fraud click on your ad
- Bid Strategy to get higher returns on ad
- Advanced target location options
You will learn to save Money and right techniques to do bidding.
After running an ad we will see the results and try to analyze the data we get through this.
You will see how to analyze the Ad data correctly and use it for future campaigns.
It will help you to decrease spend and increase profit from the ad.
It is very important because if you don’t use google ads in a right way. You will not get good results and the spend on ads will be very high.

Google analytics

When you create a website then by using a software of analytics you can collect it’s data like:
- Number of visitors on your websites
- which device they are using(mobile or desktop)
- There OS(android, IOS, linux, windows)
- Demographics
- Average page visit
- Source of traffic
- Time of visit, pages visited, and time spent on each page of the webpages
- Referring site details (such as the URI a user came through to arrive at this site)
- Type of web browser
- Type of operating system (OS)
- Flash version, JavaScript support, screen resolution, and screen color processing ability
- Network location and IP address.
- document downloads
- clicks on links leading to external websites
- errors when users fill out forms
- clicks on videos
- scroll depth
- interactions with site-specific widgets.
This data can be used to plan your future content or plan. Also to get some detailed information about your potential customers and visitor.
Setup analytics on your website to track, see and collect user data. Which will help you to better understand your audience and plan your content further.
You will be able to see real time visits of the people on your visitors and can track that on which page they are visiting and for how much time in real time.
Using analytics can be confusing for a beginner due to the technical terms used in this. You will learn:
- How to install analytics in your website
- Understating Basic terms of analytics
- Filtering and collecting data
- Understanding advance analytics terms
In this part of the module you will learn:
- How to promote videos on Google Ads and other platforms?
- What is CPV and CPM?
- Video Marketing concepts to get at Top Position
- True View Ads vs Stream Ads
- Best platforms to market your video

Keyword research
By using the keyword research technique you can get the search data and analyze it. In simple words you can get data about.
- What people are searching for?
- How many are searching for it
- In what way they are searching
This is very important before doing anything on your website. If done properly you can save a lot of time and effort.
You will learn the most effective and advance techniques for keyword research
You can easily track the potential of your keyword and content by using keyword research tools. You can analyze how much traffic and customers you can get if I you this keyword.
There are several tools that can be used for keyword research and you will learn how to use them properly. Here are some examples:
- Ahrefs
- SEMrush
- Google keyword planner
- Google trends
- Ubersuggest
- Answer the Public
and more…
After finding keywords you will know how to plan content according to it and decide the right keyword for right article.
It is very important because when you do keyword research your collection of keywords can be more than 200.
So it can be confusing that how to organize all these mess of keywords you collected.
At Dforce you will learn how a company plan their digital marketing and organize their keyword strategies.

Increase Your Online Presence With SEO
After finding keywords you will know how to plan content according to it and decide the right keyword for right article.
It is very important because when you do keyword research your collection of keywords can be more than 200.
So it can be confusing that how to organize all these mess of keywords you collected.
At Dforce you will learn how a company plan their digital marketing and organize their keyword strategies.
In this part of the SEO module you will learn and implement the basic guidelines of SEO provided by Google
Keyword research is most important part of the SEO.
- It is a process used to find out on which keywords your website should rank.
- In this process we used many SEO tools like:
- Ahrefs
- SEMrush
- Google Keyword Planner
- Ubersuggest
- Spyfu
- and many more.
On page SEO is process to perfectly optimized a website according to the guidelines provided by Google.
You will learn:
- Basic HTML Elements (No Coding)
- Correct order of page elements
- Tips and tricks to improve SEO of the Website.
- Internal links
- Meta tags, title,and description
- Increase website speed
- Schema to make your website look different in various searches
- Proper Use of Internal and External Links
- Sitemaps
- Robots.txt
- Indexing
You will learn how to optimize your content on your site by applying all appropriate SEO tactics.
The images of your websites could be the largest files on your web page. It can affect you SIte loadtime, speed, Bouncerate. Which are the biggest SEO factors
A very important
You will learn how to generate and submit sitemaps in google so that your website can be shown on google searches.
Off-Page SEO” refers to all of the activities that you and others do away from your website to raise the ranking of a page with search engines.
You will learn:
- Types of Linking
- Creation of an Anchor Tag?
- How Inbound Linking is Different From Outbound Linking
- Ways of Linking
- Techniques of SEO
- Process of Backlinks
- Blog Commenting
- Directory Submission
- Article Submission
Forum Posting - Guest Posting
PDF Submission - Image Submission
- Classified Submission
- Video Submission
- Social Bookmarking
- Reference Submission
- Press Release Submission
- Effective ways of Backlinks
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

YouTube SEO & Video Editing

In this part you will make a video and edit it on your favorite topic. After that You will apply all the techniques which Successful YouTube celebrities apply on their video.
You will know the proper way to make a video which can get maximum views and watch time with engagement.
You will learn:
- How to face camera fear
- How to make a perfect YouTube video
- Tips and tricks to make a YouTube video more engaging
- Best video settings
- Best video editing software for YouTube Videos
- How to edit videos easy and fast
- Lighting and sound
- Must have accessories for YouTube
- etc.
You will learn how to make a YouTube channel first
You will learn how to setup and optimize your YouTube channel to give it professional look. Which can lead to increase in views and subscribers.
How to optimize your video according to YouTube Term and Condition
In this part of the module you will learn:
- How to manage and upload your video by using hidden tools in YouTube.
- Which type of video you should make
- How to make a viral content on YouTube
- Potential and uses of video for marketing
- How to make YouTube a career and make income from it.
In this part of the module you will learn:
- How to promote videos on Google Ads and other platforms?
- What is CPV and CPM?
- Video Marketing concepts to get at Top Position
- True View Ads vs Stream Ads
- Best platforms to market your video

Lead generation

Lead generation is the action or process of identifying and cultivating potential customers for a business’s products or services.
There is not a single business in the world which can run without any customer.
Your leads can be the contact method or information of your potential customer to pitch your product or service.
There is a journey of every person from a visitor to become a consumer or customer.
You will create a funnel which will drive customers as you want to them to drive to buy your product.
In this part of this module you will learn about different types of the used for different types of product and services.
You will create a funnel which will drive customers as you want to them to drive to buy your product.
You will learn how to get clients to pitch and sell them your B2B services online.
You will learn how to use different kind of ad platforms to collect the leads of your potential customers.
There are total 5 types of leads.
- New leads
- Working
- Nurturing
- Unqualified
- Qualified
You will learn what are these and how it can help any business to generate revenue.

Easy Graphic designing

There is a definition below from
“Graphic design is a craft where professionals create visual content to communicate messages. By applying visual hierarchy and page layout techniques, designers use typography and pictures to meet users’ specific needs and focus on the logic of displaying elements in interactive designs, to optimize the user experience.”
This definition clearly mentioned that Graphic design is more than using tools.
Actually tools are the only 10% of the graphic designing.
At Dforce we teach how to do graphic designing by using super easy software that no one teach about.
You will be able to create any type of graphics needed for your social media or website content after this module of digital marketing.
You will learn to apply basic design rules to any graphic and design.
You will learn where how and when to use right type of font style and color that will enhance your graphic quality and will attract the viewer
You will learn different types of useful tools needed to design the graphics and pictures you need for yourself.
Graphic design is more than using a tool. If you don’t know the perfect way to make a graphic or logo which converts and look better? Then you can not become a good graphic designer.
You will learn the most important factors to consider in graphic designing.
You will learn from where to get professional and HD stock images.

Google search/webmaster tools
Learn how to verify your website on search console to enhance and control visibility on the Google search engine.
You will be able to see on which queries and searches your site is visible in google.
If some your website pages are not visible in search engines you can manually request a crawl from Google by using Google Webmaster tools.
Your sitemap contains all the lnks available in your websites and you will learn how to submit it in Google index by using webmaster tools.
You will be able to check crawl statistics. It means you can check that how frequently google crawl your site to index it’s pages.

How to make money online
In this Digital marketing course you are learning dozens of skills.
Each skill has it’s own value and if you want to focus in only one thing, Let’s say web designing you will learn how to earn money by designing website.
Learn how to get approval from google so that you can run ads on your site or YouTube to earn money online.
Learn how to join affiliate program and start making money online.
Learn how to easily and cleverly promote products without let your customer knows about it.
Start making money by using your digital marketing skills. Earn from home.
Learn how to turn your blog into an income source.

What are business classes?
After completing all the modules in the digital marketing course you will get complimentary lessons from an entrepreneur in the digital field. It can be more than 2 hours where you will be free to ask any type of questions or help regarding your career and course.
Dforce Academy is always finding the new ways to educate it’s students in a fun way. So that you can enjoy what you are learning. we get a chance.